The Villanelle:
a Poets & Patrons Workshop led by Debra Bruce

Saturday, August 28, 2021

1:00-4:00 p.m. via Zoom.

The villanelle is a poetic form both famous and unknown. Many readers of poetry have loved Dylan Thomas’s “Do not go gentle into that good night,” without ever studying its pattern of repetition and rhyme, but they feel the form’s power. Many poets know the villanelle as a workshop exercise and have followed its intricate moves, sometimes ending with a thud and occasionallyunleashing the form’s magic. In this class, we’ll do a close reading of some villanelles to better understand what makes this happen. Feedback will be provided for poems submitted in advance. If you haven’t read Dylan Thomas’s poem, please do; likewise, read Elizabeth Bishop’s famous villanelle, “One Art.”

Details at:

AuthorDebra Bruce